Gothic Architecture in Zaragoza


Evolving from Romanesque architecture, Gothic styles came mostly from France and spread across central Europe in the 12th century. Characteristics of Gothic architecture include pointed arches, ribbed vaults, high columns, open spaces and big windows which allowed for more light to enter.  Façades of Gothic buildings tend to be highly decorative.  Magnificent moldings, and carvings of intricate designs,  figures, and representations were meant to have an impact on worshipers, and to remind them of the glory and power of God and the church. 

Gothic-style architecture followed the spread of the Christian re-conquest, which began in the Kingdom of Aragon and eventually extended to the south as well. As new riches flooded in from the conquest of the Americas, more and more grand Gothic structures could be afforded.  Queen Isabella, one of the famous "Catholic Monarchs" of Zaragoza's history, had a style of Gothic archictecture named after her called "Isabelline Gothic".  This style incorporated Muslim Mudejar with traditional European techniques. La Seo cathedral in Zaragoza's old historic center is a good example of this fusion. 


Here's a list of other Gothic buildings in the area.

Plaza de la Seo, 2

House and arch of the Dean  
Dean Street, 5

Puente de Piedra  (Stone Bridge behind the Pilar)
Paseo Echegaray y Caballero

The Cartuja of Aula Dei (Monastery)
Cº de Peñaflor , s/n 50193. Barrio de Peñaflor